When you use the internet in home than you will secure your
system from the family members because you have the personal data in your
system and other things they can delete are damage your data for this purpose
you will secure your data. The other
things which you can secure your system because there will important of your
business or of the or office data. The facbeook member can see the different
type of ht video on the internet than you will be secure your internet because
there are a lot of people which they can hacked your IP address very easily. For
this porpoise you will use the different type of proxy for your site. If you
have no enough money than you will can the free proxy server for your system and your system will be secure.
most of the country can blocked the social network just like
the Pakistan and china which can block the different social network in Pakistan
the you tube is blocked in china the facebook and you tube are blocked. And the
people of the country need to use this website. Because most of the people can
do his own business in the internet if they can block the social network. We
can unblock these website very easily if the you tube are blocked than we can unblock youtube through the different
type of the proxy which you can used for the blocked website.
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